Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Concentric Circles

We have people all around us, some we know, some we don't. But they exist. We may like it or dislike it, but they exist and shall always continue to exist irrespective of what we want or think about it.

Broadly classified there can be two categories:- 1- the ones we know , 2- the one we don't know. If you observe you shall see that the ones we know constantly keep providing us with advise, whether we like or don't. However, when we really seek for advise it is seldom that we are able to find some. Well that's reality(exceptions will be there).

Well as i have grown up, I found it very very confusing for myself to choose which ones to follow and which one not to. I was in doubt at all times and landed up loosing control of my life. As I became a little mature, I developed a simple concept for my little brain which would help me understand and evaluate the advises that i was receiving form both the types of people. I termed it as the Concentric Circles.

So what is it about?

Well, imagine a set of concentric circle, for example a set of 5 concentric circles. (Concentric Circles means a small circle within a big circle) The innermost circle is the smallest but is the most important. Place yourself in that circle. This is the first circle. In the second, third, fourth and fifth place people depending on the importance you give to them(there is no right or wrong, its entirely your opinion). The people who lie in the circle closest to yours is more important than the ones in the fifth or the farthest circle.

Example: For a 10 year old kid,
1st circle himself
2nd circle parents
3rd circle dog/siblings
4th circle specific friends
5th circle teachers
6th circle neighbours kids
7th circle school friends
So on and so forth.......
There is no end to these circles. They could start from one and end in infinity.

So how does it help?

When in doubt, assess the people in your circles and select one or more out of them depending on the subject and how relevant they are to your lives. The other way is, when some advises you see which circle he falls into and if the circle is too far from yours ignore their advise.

This will ensure that you don't get confused and messed up whenever you are in doubt or you need help.

I am not a philosopher or doctor, just an ordinary man like you whom you dont know. Apparently I shall fall in the circle furthest from yours, so technically you shouldnt be takeing my advise. But if you are reading this line, then i have come much closer to your circle already!

See you soon !


  1. nice.....thot provoking......n its prevalent in all our lives....

  2. extremely thought provoking.......probably i'm gonna go ahead and try something like this for myself...
